PowerPC Installation Guide -- APUS (Amiga PowerUp System)

                      Sven LUTHER <luther@debian.org>

                          v1.0, 24 February 2000



     This document describes the installation of Debian GNU/Linux on
     PowerPC Amiga Power-UP Systems.

Copyright Notice

     This document may be distributed and modified under the terms of the
     GNU General Public License.
     (C) Copyright 1999, Sven LUTHER



     1.        Installing Debian GNU/Linux on a PowerPC APUS Machine
     1.1.      Intro
     1.2.      Known Problems
     1.3.      Partitioning from the AmigaOS side
     1.4.      Bootstrap
     1.5.      Kernel Options
     1.6.      Apus Particularities in `dbootstrap'
     1.7.      Links for Further Information
     1.8.      Conclusion


1. Installing Debian GNU/Linux on a PowerPC APUS Machine

1.1. Intro

     Apus is the "Amiga PowerUp System", and consists of an Amiga computer,
     A1200, A3000 or A4000, together with one of the PowerPC/m68k
     accelerator boards from the now dead company Phase5, the BlizzardPPC
     or CyberStormPPC board.

1.2. Known Problems

     There are some issues involved with bootstrap on systems which don't
     use either PowerUp or WarpUp only, but some hybrid mutant of them
     both.  I am not very familiar with this stuff as I use plain powerup
     only, so I hope someone will contribute a more complete description of

     Also the SCSI controller of the CyberStormPPC is not yet supported by
     linux, so you cannot use disks attached to it.

1.3. Partitioning from the AmigaOS side

     `amiga-fdisk' is the fdisk variant for RDB partition tables used by
     the Amiga hardware.  It is working, but I recommend you use the Amiga
     partitioning tools to do it from AmigaOS instead.

     HDToolbox, being the official Commodore partitioning tool, should be
     installed on every AmigaOS system.  Just launching HDToolbox should
     partition the IDE disk of the onboard IDE interface.  If you want to
     access the SCSI disk on your BlizzardPPC board SCSI controller, you
     should use the "hdtoolbox blizzppcscsi.device" command.

     Another option is to use SCSIConfig, the partitioner from Phase5 which
     is on the floppies that came with your accelerator board.

     You will need to set the partition type to custom, and provide the
     following partition type ids :

            * linux partition : 0x4c4e5800
            * linus swap partition : 0x53575000

1.4. Bootstrap

     You will find the `bootstrap' program in the `apus/bootstrap'
     directory of the powerpc boot floppies distribution (found at

     The `bootstrap' program consists of three programs.  All three need to
     be executable and in your AmigaOS path.  They are the `bootstrap'
     executable and the ppcboot_wup or ppcboot_pup part, that is the actual
     launcher (ppcboot_pup for the powerup system and ppcboot_wup for the
     warpup system).

     You will launch `bootstrap' with a line like this :

          # bootstrap --apus "kernel options"

     where "kernel options" are defined in the following sections.

     `bootstrap' will then give some output, then blank the screen for 10
     to 30 seconds, and then you will have the linux console.

1.4.1. The Debian `bootstrap' Command

     The actual `bootstrap' command to launch the Debian installer system
     would be:

# bootstrap --apus -k apus/linux.bin -r apus/images-1.44/root.bin root=/dev/ram

     After installation, to launch Debian, use:

          # bootstrap --apus -k apus/linux.bin root=/dev/sda3

     where sda3 is my Debian root partition, change it to the partition
     that is hosting your root partition.

1.5. Kernel Options

     You will need to add some kernel options depending on your actual
     configuration, which will be explained in the following sections.

1.5.1. Graphic Card Options

     The graphic device to be used is an option prefaced with video=.  Some
     examples are shown below.  To enable the native graphics in vga mode


     To enable the Bvision/CyberVision graphic card in 1152x864 at 60Hz
     mode, with the SUN12x22 fonts:


     To disable one of the graphic devices:


     You can map virtual consoles to the different devices being used.  Use
     `video=map:01' to map virtual console (vc) 1 to device 0, vc 2 to
     device 1, and after that repeat the same pattern (vc3 to device 0, vc4
     to device 1, etc.  To map vc 1,2,3,5,6,7 to device 0 and vc 4,8 to
     device 1 you would use


1.5.2. The nobats Option

     Blizzard users with scsi disks will need to use the "nobats" option.

          # bootstrap --apus -k apus/linux.bin root=/dev/sda3 nobats

1.5.3. The 60nsram Option

     People with 60ns ram can also use the 60nsram option.

          # bootstrap --apus -k apus/linux.bin root=/dev/sda3 60nsram

1.5.4. Debugging Options

     If you are experiencing problems, you can use the debug option to
     specify console message output to go to a serial console or memory
     instead of the normal console.  This is useful for debugging when the
     kernel output doesn't come to the console output.

          # bootstrap --apus -k apus/linux.bin root=/dev/sda3 60nsram debug=mem

     Then you can read the result with the bootmesg utility from the
     apus/bootstrap directory.

     Another useful tool is the dmesg utility which will give you the
     bootstrap process debugging info.

1.6. Apus Particularities in `dbootstrap'

     There are some specific differences for apus in the use of

1.6.1. Partitioning the Hard Disk - `amiga-fdisk'

     The apus subarch uses the `amiga-fdisk' partitioning tool.  As noted
     above, you can also use AmigaOS-side partitioning tools.

1.6.2. Installing the OS Kernel and Modules

     This option is actually not working.  I am in the process of proposing
     an "Install the OS Modules" option to replace it, but in the meantime
     you can just skip this step.  The kernel is not needed anyway, since
     it resides on the

1.6.3. Options Not Applicable for apus

     Well some options simply don't make sense on apus, so until I exclude
     them from the menu, just ignore them.  They should not work anyway.
     These options are :

          * Make System Bootable directly from the Hard Disk.
          * Make a Boot Floppy.
          * Eject the Floppy.

1.7. Links for Further Information

     The official linux-apus doc and faq is at:


     Another source of valuable information is the linux-m68k web site and
     faq found at:


     There you will find lots of information regarding linux on the amiga
     platform that is common to linux-m68k and linux-apus.

1.8. Conclusion

     Well, this little guide tries to explain all the particularities of
     the linux-apus installation of debian.  The rest of it is quite
     similar to any other debian/powerpc installation, as well as the
     generic debian installation.  You will thus find further info in the
     debian documentation directory as well as in the other generic linux
     information sites and docs.


     PowerPC Installation Guide -- APUS (Amiga PowerUp System)

     Sven LUTHER <luther@debian.org>

     v1.0, 24 February 2000