  [2005/12/24 v1.2 Light input encoding file]
% \changes{v1.0}{2004/09/23}{This version was uploaded to CTAN}
% \changes{v1.1}{2005/01/09}{Replace \textrm{\normalfont...} to \textnormal}
% \changes{v1.1}{2005/01/09}{More comprehensive test of font encoding}
% \changes{v1.2}{2005/12/24}{Test the \cyrillicencoding to be \undefined}
% Using of cyrillic input encodings has two major disadvantages:
% * cyrillic letters are forbidden in names of labels because
%   they are active and
% * cyrillic letters disappear in math mode because they do not
%   belong to ordinary math fonts.
% The light version of the CP1251 input encoding partially removes both
% these disadvantages: it declares common cyrillic letters in the range
% of \CYRA--\cyrya as `other' symbols (with catcode 12), activates them in
% math mode only (with mathcode "8000), and typesets common cyrillic letters
% in math mode with the default text font. All these actions are applied
% if the output cyrillic encoding is one of T2A, T2B, T2C, or X2 for
% which the input and output codes of common cyrillic letters coinside.
% Otherwise, the cp1251-light works as cp1251.
% Test the font encoding to have a valid type
\ifin@ \else
    {Cannot apply cp1251-light encoding\MessageBreak
     to the font encoding \@tempa.\MessageBreak
     The cp1251 encoding is in use.\MessageBreak}%
% The macro \@tempa{code}{command} declares a symbol with
% specified code as math-active symbol and prints its command
% with the default text font (this is the usual practice for
% typesetting cyrillic in math indices).
  \catcode\@tempcnta 12
  \mathcode\@tempcnta "8000
% Redefine catcodes and mathcodes of common cyrillic letters
% Do them active in mathmode only.
%% End of file `cp1251-light.def'.