``Historian'' implements a citation- and bibliography style for the biblatex system of programmable bibliographies and citations. It follows the guidelines of the Turabian Manual for Writers, which in turn is based on the Chicago Manual of Style.

This beta release already implements all the types of sources discussed by Turabian, with special emphasis on archival documents.

The package comprises the files historian.bbx, historian.cbx, and historian.lbx; also a User's Guide in the file historian.pdf (along with historian.tex, the LaTeX source file, where users can see the citation commands); and the BibTeX bibliography file, historian.bib, which contains all the examples used in the User's Guide.

Please send any bug reports or change requests to the e-mail address giving on the title page of the Demo and Guide.

Revision History

0.4 2010-08-22: Major overhaul to eliminate errors, improve conformity with Turabian and completeness of the implementation, and compatibility with biblatex v.0.9b. Note especially that there is now a historian.lbx file. There here are also some new package options, a preliminary implementation of patents, improved handling of dates, miscellaneous corrections in documentation and formatting. See historian.pdf for details.

0.3a 2010-05-20: Fixed internal problem with ifthen in \bibtype{article}.

0.3 2010-04-24: Various updates for compatibility with biblatex 0.9a.  See historian.pdf for details.

0.2a 2009-08-17: Error corrections and compatibility with biblatex 0.8i.  See historian.pdf for details.

0.1 2009-05-19: Initial public release, for use with version 0.8c of biblatex

Copyright (c) 2010 by Sander Gliboff. This package is
author-maintained. This work may be copied, distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3 (http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt), This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.